Ideas for a week project

under Python, Mongodb, Gae, Idea, English

On 9th of August I return from vacations and I decided to research on some new area in the week after. Currently, there are two ideas, both easy-to-implement: 1. Ping my host every 5 minutes and send me email if down I know there are many websites which touch this topic but; Most of them are limited and need subscription. I want something basic, to do just what I want. WHY: learn basic ...

Advanced FormEncode usage

under Formencode, Form, Python, English, Validation, Schema

I've been working on advanced HTML form that uses some Mootools (JavaScript framework) love. In most of my projects I use FormEncode in combination with FormAlchemy. Although both libraries have very different philosophies and areas, they work great together with some patches. I want to share schema because I spent quite some time putting it together - might save you some trobule. This was the first time I used variabledecode module, and found best ...

Persuading Paste HTTP server to use correct REMOTE_ADDR

under Python, Nginx, Paste, English

Configuring reverse proxy headers was on bottom of my TODO list because I never felt it was important for my applications. Today I tried to fuddle with nginx to pass those headers but it gave me a headache. For sake of reference and because I'm sure many others tripped on this one, here is what I figured out from mailing lists and source code (please inform me of a better, straight forward way if ...

About Domen Kožar

under , English

I'm a 21 years old student at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia. I'm an Open Source enthusiast and contributor. My primary OS is Linux (Gentoo). I love beer. If you have any questions, send me an email. ...

Joining strings in Python

under Python, Strings, English

There is already a lot of good material to read about performance. Therefore, it is best to use the following method: >>> print ' '.join(['The', 'fox', 'jumped', 'over', 'the', 'dog.']) The fox jumped over the dog. Perfect. We have very fast string contatenation that even allows us to choose separator. Now, here is the problem: >>> print ', '.join(['apples', 'oranges', '', 'cocos']) apples, oranges, , ...