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Advanced FormEncode usage

under Formencode, Form, Python, English, Validation, Schema

I've been working on advanced HTML form that uses some Mootools (JavaScript framework) love. In most of my projects I use FormEncode in combination with FormAlchemy. Although both libraries have very different philosophies and areas, they work great together with some patches. I want to share schema because I spent quite some time putting it together - might save you some trobule.

This was the first time I used variabledecode module, and found best reference in this blog post.

Rendered form looks something like this, and if you choose another option in dropdown menu, it rearanges to something like this!

As you can see, AJAX removes some fields, others are rearranged. First form accepts many Name/Surname entries, the second one only gets one pair. I wanted to write a FA schema that can validate both cases and prepares my resulting dictionary to be directly inserted to SQLAlchemy model.

class ApplyForm(formencode.Schema):
    allow_extra_fields = True
    filter_extra_fields = True

    billIsNaturalPerson = validators.StringBool(not_empty=True)

    billEmail = validators.Email(not_empty=True)
    billAddress = validators.UnicodeString(not_empty=True)
    billPost = validators.UnicodeString(not_empty=True)
    billPhone = InternationalPhoneNumber(default_cc=386, not_empty=True)

    billFirm = validators.UnicodeString(if_missing=None)
    billTaxNumber = SlovenianTaxNumber(if_missing=None)
    billIDNumber = validators.Int(if_missing=None)
    billContactPerson = validators.UnicodeString(if_missing=None)

    billIsDDV = validators.Bool(not_empty=True, if_missing=None)
    billIsProformaInvoice = validators.Bool(not_empty=True)
    billIsSIR = validators.Bool(not_empty=True)
    billIsDinner = validators.Bool(not_empty=True)

    relParticipants = formencode.ForEach(ParticipantForm)
    relDaysAttending = validators.DictConverter({
        '1': [model.meta.Session()\
            .filter(model.PortorozDay.plPDayDate == date(2009, 11, 18)).one()], # wed
        '2': [model.meta.Session()\
            .filter(model.PortorozDay.plPDayDate == date(2009, 11, 19)).one()], # thu
        '3': model.meta.Session()\
            .query(model.PortorozDay).all() , # both
    }, not_empty=True, hideDict=True)

    pre_validators = [NestedVariables()]
    chained_validators = [
        validators.RequireIfPresent('billFirm', missing='billIsNaturalPerson'),
        validators.RequireIfPresent('billTaxNumber', missing='billIsNaturalPerson'),
        validators.RequireIfPresent('billIDNumber', missing='billIsNaturalPerson'),
        validators.RequireIfPresent('billContactPerson', missing='billIsNaturalPerson'),

class ParticipantForm(formencode.Schema):
    allow_extra_fields = True
    filter_extra_fields = False

    parName = validators.UnicodeString(if_missing=None)
    parSurname = validators.UnicodeString(if_missing=None)

    chained_validators = [
        validators.RequireIfPresent('parName', present='parSurname'),
        validators.RequireIfPresent('parSurname', present='parName'),

First of all, it's all about the state of billIsNaturalPerson. This is the key boolean that separates both forms. As you can see in chained_validators, if it's value is False, it will require some additional fields. Fields with if_missing=None are required only in first form. Javascript removes input elements from DOM, so SQLAlchemy model is populated with None values.

relDaysAttending is a SQLAlchemy relation and in form terminology, a radioset. Values are mapped with help of DictConverter validator to model instances, which results in correctly populated ForeignKeys.

relParticipants is also a SQLAlchemy relation that lists name/surname pairs. As you can see, it's validated with help of variabledecode algorithm and validator that corresponds to that is NestedVariables. Because NestedVariables validators lies in pre_validators attribute, when validator occurs, values are already mapped to list/dictionary. Input names look something like this:

    <input type="text" name="relParticipants-1.parName" value="John" />
    <input type="text" name="relParticipants-1.parSurname" value="Smih" />
    <input type="text" name="relParticipants-2.parName" value="..." />

Which maps to list of dicts:

{'relParticipants': [
   {'parName': 'John', 'parSurname': 'Smith'},

ForEach validator later maps relParticipant list to ParticipantForm schema. This schema is pretty basic, chained validators are used to require second field (if one is supplied) and map resulting dict to model instance. MapToModel implementation is very simple:

class MapToModel(validators.FormValidator):
    __unpackargs__ = ('model',)
    model = None

    def _to_python(self, value_dict, state):
        return self.model(**value_dict)

Example of parsed POST data, mapped to be ready for SQLAlchemy model:

18:24:07,349 DEBUG [project.controllers.portoroz] Form input:
{'billAddress': u'Foo street 12',
 'billContactPerson': u'John Smith',
 'billEmail': u'[email protected]',
 'billFirm': u'Firm',
 'billIDNumber': 1337,
 'billIsDDV': None,
 'billIsDinner': False,
 'billIsNaturalPerson': False,
 'billIsProformaInvoice': True,
 'billIsSIR': False,
 'billPhone': '+386-11-444489',
 'billPost': u'1000 Ljubljana',
 'billTaxNumber': 40952649,
 'relDaysAttending': [, ],
 'relParticipants': [,

Problems started when I tried htmlfill and it's error rendering. First issue was that I needed to reverse variabledecode algorithm, this can be achieved with following e.unpack_errors call:

            c.form_result = ApplyForm().to_python(request.POST)
        except formencode.validators.Invalid, e:
            return formencode.htmlfill.render(

Second issue was if user added lots of Participants, they were not correctly populated in form inputs because by default only one was being rendered and additional ones are inserted by javascript. I decided to take most ugly but simple approach: by default render 30 fields and onDOMReady, remove the all the empty fields except one.

There are details I left out of this post, since main concern was FormEncode usage. I hope you learned something, cheers!