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Substance D — Google Summer of Code 2013 week #12, #13 and #14

under Gsoc, Substanced, Plone, Python, English

Greetings, following is the update for Substance D project. Substance D is an application server built using the Pyramid web framework. It can be used as a base to build a general-purpose web application like a blog, a shopping cart application, a scheduling application, or any other web app that requires both an administration and a retail interface. Substance D owes much of its spirit to the Zope application server. Quick links to project info:

Week #12, #13 and #14

Updates on deform2:

  • Fixed tests
  • Various fixes of broken widgets (see commit logs for details)

Updates on deform2demo:

  • Week #14 was mostly about porting all Selenium tests to WebDriver. There were too many limitations with Selenium RC. Newer versions of Firefox and Chromium don't even work with Selenium RC anymore. The good news is, tests are ported
  • Fixed tests that were broken with Bootstrap 3 markup

Next (what's missing)

Before deform2 alpha release, there are a few things to be done:

  • we decided to split Date/Time widgets into Pickadate and HTML5 widgets
  • css glitches with orderable sequence
  • readonly templates markup
  • few failing selenium tests
  • select2 widgets are not tested with selenium

It has been a long summer. While I'll continue the work on Pylons related technologies, the end of Google Summer of Code 2013 is around the corner. It was my 4th GSOC and the last one. I'd like to thank all of my three mentors (you guys are awesome, thank you!):

  • Chris McDonough (2012, 2013)
  • Rob Gietema (2011)
  • Jesus Rivero (2010)