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Substance D — Google Summer of Code 2013 week 10 and 11

under Gsoc, Substanced, Plone, Python, English

Greetings, following is the update for Substance D project. Substance D is an application server built using the Pyramid web framework. It can be used as a base to build a general-purpose web application like a blog, a shopping cart application, a scheduling application, or any other web app that requires both an administration and a retail interface. Substance D owes much of its spirit to the Zope application server. Quick links to project info:

Week #10 and #11

Quite a lot was going on deform2 development, mostly on week #10:

  • redesigned deformdemo
  • resources on deformdemo are now loaded by deform resources machiners
  • upgrade to Bootstrap 3.0 (from 3.0RC)
  • upgrade TinyMCE 3 to TinyMCE 4 and fix styling
  • various widget fixes (mostly connected with styling)
  • Chris McDonough started porting Substance D admin UI to deform2 and it already looks nice

I've set up a deform2demo for those curious to see deform2 in action (following NixOS declarative configuration file was used for deployment).

Next two weeks

There's not much items left on deform2 TODO list. Nevertheless, there are still three major TODOs:

  • fix examples listed under "BROKEN STUFF" section
  • fix/rewrite tests on deform2 and deformdemo repositories
  • improve pickadate widget and support different variations input fields

Have a nice weekend and feel free to report any bugs from the demo that are missing in TODO :-)