Greetings, following is the update for Substance D project. Substance D is an application server built using the Pyramid web framework. It can be used as a base to build a general-purpose web application like a blog, a shopping cart application, a scheduling application, or any other web app that requires both an administration and a retail interface. Substance D owes much of its spirit to the Zope application server. Quick links to project ...
Greetings, following is the update for Substance D project. Substance D is an application server built using the Pyramid web framework. It can be used as a base to build a general-purpose web application like a blog, a shopping cart application, a scheduling application, or any other web app that requires both an administration and a retail interface. Substance D owes much of its spirit to the Zope application server. Quick links to ...
Following is a monthly update on my contributions to open source and community around it. FOSDEM2013 was a very affordable open source conference in Brussels that laste for one weekend. I have attended it purely as participant, watching talks and saying hello to old friends from Python community. There was so much going on, it's hard to tell. Besides Python track I really enjoyed Assholes are killing your project, which was completely packed. ...
Another month passed by, another update. mr.bob got another bugfix release 0.1a7 which will short be superseded by another release with template dependencies feature. This is probably going to result into first beta release, since I consider commmand-line interface complete feature-wise. Python API will be refactored when I eventually start to use it. bobtemplates.ielectric is my personal collection of mr.bob templates and currently includes templates for a modern Python package and a very ...
Another month passed by, another update. I'll try to keep this on monthly basis: mr.bob does your project skeleton templates. Today I released 0.1a6 which introduces hooks. It allows you to hook into various places of the rendering flow. Before/after a question is asked and before/after rendering of directory structure. It's also a cleanup release before last missing piece is implemented - dependance between templates. I also updated my bobtemplates.ielectric templates to be used ...