GPyPi2 — Google Summer of Code week #4

under Gentoo, Python, Portage, English, Gsoc, Gpypi2

Greetings, following is the weekly update for gpypi2 project. It's main purpose is to generate ebuilds from Python Package Index. Quick links to project info: Repository, issue tracker Hudson CI instance Sphinx documentation generated by hudson on each commit wiki/user stories for scrum development I'm more than happy to announce first pre-alpha prototype. Intended goal is to make people start using the tool and reporting back their critics. Install gpypi2 $ sudo ...

Elderberry syrup (home recipe)

under Syrup, Elderberry, English

Elder is blooming again, charming people with its strong smell. Few friends asked me about how we make elderberry syrup at home, so I thought of opensourcing it;) Remember that every written part is important (I tried to bold the most important words). Ingredients: 30 elderberry blossoms 5L of water 3kg of sugar big spoon of Citronka about six 1L glass bottles with non-plastic closure Blossoms should be chipped ...

Sauna Sprint 2010 in Helsinki

under Eestec, Sprint, Helsinki, Plone, English

At last, so called Sauna Sprint 2010 has been announced. First of all, cheers to Nejc and Joni for all the work done. What is the story behind the Sauna Sprint? At the end of 2009, EESTEC IT team had a sprint at Chairpersons meet in Skopje (we had a great time, big thanks to organizers!). We created from scratch the new portal (fully open-sourced and documented). So, the idea came to make ...

Eduroam in Slovenia for Linux wicd client

under Eduroam, Linux, Opensource, English

After year and a half on Faculty of Electrical Engineering, I have managed to get working Eduroam WPA enterprise encryption on wicd networking client for GNU Linux (pretty good alternative to NetworkManager, but with Unix philosophy in mind). Here is wicd encryption template for wpa_supplicant: name = eap-ttls (Eduroam sl) version = 1 require anon_identity *Anonymous_Identity ca_cert *Path_to_CA_Cert identity *Identity password *Password ---- eapol_version=1 ap_scan=1 ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant network={ ssid="$_ESSID" ...

Redmine and mercurial-server

under , English

I managed to put together Redmine as issuetracker/wiki/younameit and mercurial-server which manages multi-user access to mercurial repository through ssh. Redmine installation: redmine:redmine /var/lib/redmine/ Mercurial-server installation: hg:hg /home/hg/ I have put redmine into group hg. When you add repository lets say /home/hg/vim/ to redmine, it does not recognise it. Not until you ofcourse make repository read/writeable for hg group (chmod 760). Now comes punchline; $HOME directory must be executable in order for Redmine ...